70 Years of Freedom Achievements and Failures

70 Years of Freedom Achievements and FailuresPakistanIn every field of life, Pakistan isThe foreign affairs of Pakistan are good with his neighbours and other countries. Pakistan also has Diplomatic relations with the world. Pakistan is a member of the UN and places a Good Position in the UN.Pakistan starts efforts in the field of bilateral…… Continue reading 70 Years of Freedom Achievements and Failures

Chapter 5 Conclusion

Chapter 5 ConclusionTo achieve the economic objectives, enhanceIn this paper we find that there is an insignificant relationship between the dependent variables and independent variables inFurthermore, we also assessed the philanthropic practices of both the firms. Both companies are claiming that we are contributing in the philanthropy. But when we analyzed co-relationship between philanthropic practices…… Continue reading Chapter 5 Conclusion

Chapter 4 Analysis

Chapter 4 Analysis4.1 Demographic CharacteristicsThe demographic factors include gender and designation of the employees. The gender includes male and female, while designations vary from employees to employees. Designations are MSE, MIO, SMIO,DM, distribution manager and Customer Loyalty manager.4.2 Review of hypothesesIn case of Ufonethere is insignificant relationship between the philanthropy andHypothesis 1:Ho: There is no…… Continue reading Chapter 4 Analysis

Chapter 3 Methodology

Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data collectionPrimary data has been collected from two firms engaged in philanthropic activities one is Ufone and other is Tapal Tea.This chapter includes research methodology, a time frame of the study, research instrument discussion, sample and statistical tools discussion, participant response rate, theoretical framework, and reliability scale. The methodology used for…… Continue reading Chapter 3 Methodology

Chapter 2 Literature Review History of Corporate Philanthropy

Chapter 2 Literature Review History of Corporate PhilanthropyAccording to Marx (1998)A report published in 2008 by Pakistan center ofThere are two opinions in favor and against the argument about philanthropically practices of the corporate sector. In 1984 Peter Drucker argued that the corporate sector should not invest in charity of those institutions which are weak…… Continue reading Chapter 2 Literature Review History of Corporate Philanthropy


PHILONTHROPIC PRACTICESPhilanthropy originated from the Greek word meant as a love of humanity. In the modern world, this is emphasized where the public good is produced by the private sector having a sense of charity on humanitarian grounds. Normally the corporate world uses this theme to get a Firm’s Reputation and more revenue in results.…… Continue reading EFFECT OF PHILONTHROPIC PRACTICES ON CUSTOMER LOYALITY

Chapter – 4 little things Class 10 Notes

Chapter – 4 little things Class 10 Notes english for all boardTheme ReferenceThis poem is written by Julia Carney. The importance of small things is emphasized in the poem.ThemeNothing is insignificant in this material world. Even small things, which fail to claim and be important and fail to invite our attention, have an importance that…… Continue reading Chapter – 4 little things Class 10 Notes

Chapter 1 The Wise Caliph Class 10 Notes

Chapter 1 The Wise Caliph Class 10 NotesLesson 1 Question and answerQuestion 1 For whom was Caliph Harun al-Rashid known and respected?Answer: Caliph Harun al-Rashid was known for his wisdom and justice. The caliph was wise in this respect because he also moulded the difficulties and difficulties of the subject to learn more about freedom…… Continue reading Chapter 1 The Wise Caliph Class 10 Notes

The power of a good teacher

The power of a good teacherWe Want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at englishclass101.com did you have a language teacher that inspired you maybe it wasn’t a teacher but a partner or another person someone that motivated you to learn you wanted to reward their…… Continue reading The power of a good teacher

The man who wins Chapter – 27 Matric Notes

The man who wins Chapter – 27 Matric Notes | Class 10 English NotesThemeAlthough the poet of this poem is anonymous, it contains the morality that we should develop a strong will, self-confidence and a positive attitude towards life. Once we have decided on a goal and want to do something according to our natural…… Continue reading The man who wins Chapter – 27 Matric Notes

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